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Report CT Chest - Metastases


Patient’s Name:   
 Referred by:  Dear Colleague   
 Examination:  CT Chest   
 Techniques:   CT CHEST, Contiguous axial cuts were obtained through the    chest with I.V. contrast and revealed:
An irregular, lobulated, soft tissue mass lesion is seen surrounding the right main broncus suggesting right broncho-pulomnary (hilar) lymphadenopathy.

Multiple small parenchymal soft tissue pulmonary nodules are seen scattered in both lung bases highly suggestive of metastatic deposits.

Decrease volume of the upper lobe of the right lung is noted with vascular crowding & interstitial strandy-nodular shadows suggesting associated collapse possibly secondary to hilar lymphadenopathy.

Bilateral minimal pleural fluid reaction is noted, more on the right side.

Normal CT appearances of mediastinal structures.

Normal CT appearances of the heart & great vessels were detected.

    Right broncho-pulmonary lymphadenopathy
    Right upper lobe lung collapse
    Pulmonary metastases
    Bilateral pleural effusion
