Patient’s Name:
Date: Referred by: Dear Colleague
Examination: CT ABDOMEN
Techniques: CT ABDOMEN, Contiguous axial cuts were obtained through the abdomen with oral & IV contrast and revealed:
Date: Referred by: Dear Colleague
Examination: CT ABDOMEN
Techniques: CT ABDOMEN, Contiguous axial cuts were obtained through the abdomen with oral & IV contrast and revealed:
- The liver appears average in size displaying homogeneous parenchymal density with normal vascular enhancement. No evidences of dilated intra-hepatic biliary radicals were detected. Multiple (about three in number) hypodense focal hepatic mass like lesions are seen scatter subcapsularly in the right hepatic lobe, the largest is seen in the postero-inferior segment of right hepatic lobe. It shows iris enhancement in portal venous phase & delayed scans. Picture suggesting multiple hepatic haemangiomas.
- The spleen appears average in size displaying normal homogeneous CT density. No evidences of splenic masses or cysts were detected.
- The pancreas: appears average in size displaying normal CT density. No evidences of pncreatic masses or cysts were detected.
- The gall bladder displays normal CT features with no evidences of stones detected within its lumen.
- Both kidneys appear functioning displaying normal CT features & regular renal outlines. No evidences of renal masses, cysts, stones or back pressure changes were detected.
- No evidences of abdominal lymhpadenopathy detected.
- No ascites.
- Multiple hepatic haemangiomas